Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Occupational Therapy: (Feeding Difficulties)
We are doing messy play with him. This is where we dip his toys in baby food. We allow him to play with his toys with food on it. As he lifts the toys to his mouth, he will taste the food and our hopes is that he will gradually become comfortable with having food in his mouth.

Physical Therapy is a little more extensive.

Physical Therapy: (Cerebral Palsy - Muscle Tone)

Leg stretches are done twice a day. Hunter hates his leg stretches. I know he can feel the muscle burn. But, its so important.

We try many exercises. Another exercise we try is sitting Hunter on our knees; we support his back with our thumbs as he sits straight up. We, then, rock back and forth without allowing him to lean back. This helps strengthen his trunk.

We are also working with blocks and having Hunter put them in a bucket.

We are starting with the intense therapy with Hunter. Some items that