Monday, February 8, 2010

Miserable Monday

I have to first say how I amazed I am by each one of my friends and family. I'm truly amazed that such a wonderful group of people can be there to listen, support, and pray. I'm so grateful that throughout my ordeal, I have each one of you to pull me back to my feet.

We had a scare today in Hunter's Developmental clinic. After they performed a test, a doctor approached me. She told me that something is not normal with Hunter. When I asked her what she met, she believes that something is wrong with his head circumference, and his head was not growing right. I dug little deeper and asked more questions. What did she mean by that? She replied and told me that she believes Hunter's brain could've quit growing, or that he had a condition where his skull molds shut prematurely. I asked more questions, and thought we may be looking at the possibility of either a severely handicapped child or brain surgery.

I left that appointment so upset and concerned for Hunter's future. I couldn't wait. I couldn't drive home and sit on it. At one point, I was so upset that I had to pull off the road for the safety of Hunter and me. I called Hunter's Pediatrician immediately. They wanted me to come in, and fit me into the afternoon schedule. After being half way home, I turned my car around and headed back to Ann Arbor. I needed answers.

Hunter's Pediatrician got me through another scary and hard day. He measured Hunter’s head circumference and laid out the graph in front of me. The graph let me see his growth (weight, height, and head circumference) since his discharge from the NICU. His head circumference is not falling behind and is growing in accordance to his height and weight. He also explained that Hunter has made such great gains in his development in the last 6 months. These gains would be not possible if Hunter’s brain was not growing. We don't know what the future holds for Hunter. But, we have moved past many obstacles and miracles. Hunter may need a couple more miracles and that is where my faith in God comes in. He has gotten us this far.

Our plan of care is not much different than our normal plan. We will still keep a close eye on Hunter. But, Hunter's life has always been under a microscope. We will watch for a time that Hunter's development stops. If that time occurs, we would dig deeper into the problem. For now, I will rest and this day will be gladly forgotten.