Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hunter had his appointment with the lung doctor today.

We got good news. Hunter was able to have his oxygen weaned from 1 liter down to .5 liter. Today's appointment consisted of medicine management and making sure he has the right dosage since my little man is growing so quickly.

There goal with medicine management is keeping the inflammation off of his lungs to keep them growing healthy and having Hunter breathe easier.

Hunter suffers with reflux. So, they increased the dosage on his Zantac. They also increased the dosage on his puffer. It is a medication called Flovent. It decreases the inflammation in his lungs. Both of his diuretics remained the same.

She definitely thinks that his lungs are growing. We hope and pray that one day soon he can come off the oxygen entirely.