Monday, April 27, 2009

Hunter gets his G-tube

Hunter has his surgery today for the G tube placement. The surgery itself went well. In fact, it was quick. One minute they were whisking him away. By the time we got down to the "big bird" in Mott's, they were telling us that he was done. They were able to remove the ventilator without any events. Thankfully, the PICU was not needed.

Then, we got up to his room and the tone changed a little. Hunter started to have jerking. It looked like he was having seizures..again. So, I called the nurse and had her come in. She saw what I was talking about and put a request in to Hunter's neurologist. They did an EEG. I still haven't got the results back. I'm sure I will get them back tomorrow. The jerking movements went away after 45 minutes though. The Neurologist was comfortable to say that it was a reaction from the medications given during surgery.

After that, Hunter was having a poor urine output. Okay, warning sign went off. This is what happened a couple times after his surgery in the past. I knew this wasn't good. The turned up the fluids and his urine output got better.

I got to talk more to the neurologist about Hunter's Cerebral Palsy diagnosis. I asked her on a scale of 1 to 10, how severe does she believe it to be. I told her 1 being the normal/most mild case to 10 being severe Cerebral Palsy. The number she gave me was 2. If he has Cerebral Palsy, I prefer him to be a 1 or 2.

Hunter has been extremely uncomfortable today. My poor baby cried so much. It was awful because it was a "I'm in pain mommy" cry. Ugh! I hate those. The nurses and doctors would not give him more than just Tylenol for the pain. I got a little frustrated and after much begging, pleading, and becoming a little pushy (if that's what you want to call it), I was able to get him the medication he needed. After he received the "good stuff", he fell asleep and was very comfortable. Needless to say, I was a little frustrated with the whole line they gave me about "were going to give your baby Tylenol and let him scream in pain". I just wasn't taking that to well. The "good stuff" was much better for him tonight.

Bare with my grammar. I'm exhausted! You might have to read between the lines to understand this email. I'm sorry.

He will be at U of M Mott's tomorrow, possible discharge then. It might be extended to Wednesday. They are slowing introducing foods through his "G" tube. Once he gets back to his full feeds and is tolerating it, he will be discharged.