Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hunter had eye surgery two weeks ago. We had to wait a "couple weeks" to know if the surgery took or not. If not, it would require more surgery with the possibility that Hunter could go blind due to his prematurity. If the surgery worked, he could live a normal life.

This Wednesday marked the "couple week" mark. We just got the news.

Hunter's eyes took to the surgery. His right eye is completely normal. His left eye still has "slight" abnormal blood vessel growth, but nothing to be alarmed with. He can tell that the left eye is taking a little longer to heal, but it is healing. He is sure that when he checks him next week, his left eye will be as normal as the right. Tim and me are both nearsighted. Besides the risk of "normal genetics", Hunter has beat another obstacle. His eyes are going to be fine. He conquered retinopathy of prematurity.

Cheers for Hunter! Yea!!!!

Hunter has also been doing really good on his nasal cannula. They don't want to push him. So, they are going to keep it the same today. He will stay at 9 hours on cannula 3 hours on CPAP. This is a rotation 9 hours, 3 hours, 9 hours, 3 hours = 24 hours.