Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

I took Hunter to his Pediatrician the other day. He noticed that Hunter's eye were jerking a little. He asked me when his next appointment was and I told him January. He said that would be okay.

It wasn't sitting easy with me. After all we have been through, I wanted Hunter to see his eye doctor. I scheduled an appointment and we went today.

We got some bad news. Hunter is severely near sighted. He will need glasses before he is one years old. She was hoping that Hunter could wait until he was older. But, that is not an option. His vision will progressively get worse throughout his life. The risk of him going blind is minimal. They will be keeping a close eye on him throughout life.

We are going to wait until he doesn't need oxygen anymore, and we will be putting him in glasses. The doctor said she can have him in contacts by grade school.