Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

We met with one of the neonatologist a little bit ago.

The facts are scary. So, I am just going to be as forward as possible. If Hunter is born now, he would only have a 20-30% chance of survival and a big possibility of long term disability. At 24 weeks, the chances go up to 50% survival with a 50% chance of disability. Between now and the end of 24 weeks, they will only resuscitate if we decide to give him a chance. Let me just say that I do not believe in not giving him a chance. I could never live with myself. We, Tim and me, are in agreement. Our agreement is, f Hunter is born between now and the end of 24 weeks, they will resuscitate him, and we will have to go from there. If things are not going well, the doctor's would be up front with us. We could choose to terminate support on a case basis. But, I can not live my life without giving my little man a chance.

After 25 weeks, they have to resuscitate by all laws. It is generally not an option to parents. Every week and every day after 25 weeks, the baby has a better chance. If I can get this pregnancy to 30 weeks, Hunter's chances of complications and any long term effects are pretty much voided. There is still a possibility, but the chances go down a lot. He would still need to be in NICU for a while. But, the doctors breathe real easy at 30 weeks.

The doctor's did stress that everyday, Hunter's chances get better. They corrected my goals to not get to 27 weeks or 29 weeks, but get to tomorrow.

Oh, by the way, I am still on the smooth muscle relaxer so bare with my typing, grammar, misspelled words, etc. I know my emails have had a lot of that lately.

As I say in all my emails, pray my body has the strength to hold baby Hunter where he needs to be and pray for the little man. Your support is so appreciated by us.