Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

I want to start with the good news first. It's always nice to start on a good note. Hunter appears to not need oxygen anymore during the day. Yay! He does really good throughout the day. The only time Hunter runs into trouble and needs oxygen is when he falls asleep. His lung doctor wants his oxygen level to stay above 93%. At night, he only drops to 90-91%. It's not bad, but enough to need the oxygen at night. Anything below 93%, could bring back his Pulmonary Hypertension. Pulmonary Hypertension is a serious condition that has to be taken serious. For now, Hunter will remain on oxygen at night only! I can't tell you how good it feels to carry my baby around the house without an oxygen cord trailing behind him. Okay, for the other news. Hunter had a swallow study. The results were that Hunter has underdeveloped muscles that help him swallow. It is causing him to aspirate some of his formula into his lungs. The only way he can build these muscles is too eat. This could be the reason he has needed the feeding tube this long. The good news: his muscles will develop with time and practice. For now, Hunter is growing out of his NG tube. He has lost the cannula off his face, the tape makes his face break out in a rash, and he won't quit pulling it out. There is no other option but to surgically place a "G" tube into his stomach. I am waiting for the pediatric surgeons to call me back. We will meet and schedule his surgery. I will keep everyone informed. Believe it or not, this will probably be the best thing for Hunter. It is amazing what these little micro preemies can go through, yet - what they can overcome. The feeding issue is a hurdle that Hunter needs to cross, but I know he can do it with time. He has already overcome so much! Okay, on a cute note, Hunter is getting his first tooth. It is so adorable.