Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hunter was discharged today. Although, we are having a hard time getting him to tolerate his full feeds. He is also in a lot of pain. It is horrible. The doctor ordered us to return to his normal schedule of feeding. But, he can't handle all of that. Tim and me discussed it. We decided that we were going to start slowly introducing food to his stomach. We hope to work our way up. I guess we are making the executive decision with our son right now. We have had so many people tell us so many ways to feed Hunter. We aren't sure what's right or wrong. We decided that we know our son the best. We also learned that slow is better when things aren't tolerated.

I have thought about this many times. Although, Hunter is not as critical as he was when he was first born, I can't decide which is harder. It's almost like a race. When you first start out on your race, your going full speed ahead. Towards the middle to end, you start slowing down and its not as easy as what it was in the beginning. We have also seen Hunter at his very worst. We have also seen him at his best. Sometimes I think that ignorance is bliss. If we didn't see all the things that could go wrong, we wouldn't worry so much about him now. Physically, emotionally, and mentally - I am slowing down and it seems like things get harder as you go.