Saturday, July 12, 2008

103 days and counting

Things have been a little crazy. When I'm not in the NICU, I am trying to sleep, eat, or breathe for that matter.

The night of his surgery, he had a difficult time with getting his blood pressure to a stable level. It was too low. He was not putting out good urine, and was swelling. They had him on two different blood pressure medications. It was still not raising his blood pressure. They started him on steroids. The mixture of all of the medications seemed to do the trick. Friday morning, his blood pressure was a lot better. It has stayed at a good level since.

Friday was another rough night. His oxygen levels were dropping very low. His heart rate would drop really low as well. I was really upset and wouldn't watch the monitors. Tim said he saw Hunter's heart rate drop into the teens. The poor nurse and respiratory therapist really had to work hard. They managed to stay on their toes. Hunter needed the neopuff a couple times.

Gosh, both nights scared the crap out of me.

They started Hunter on antibiotics this morning. Hunter's blood pressure is still very good. They have not started to feed him yet. He is still on the vent. He seems more active than he has been. He is not back to his baseline, by far yet. He still has a lot of fluid on his lungs. From my understanding, this is partly due to the PDA and from the water retention after his surgery. He is not destating or having brady's (dropping his oxygen and heart rate) as much as he was the night before. In fact, he hasn't had a major episode since around noon today. We are really hoping that tomorrow is a new day with improvements around the corner.

I miss holding him, kissing him, and seeing his cute little facial reactions to everything. I miss him so much right now. It feels like someone has punched me really hard in the stomach, twisted my insides and ripping them out piece by piece. It is so hard to see your child this sick. St. Joe's have been miracle workers. And, God has played a major part in all of this.

Thank you all for your support and prayers. Each prayer counts! God performs miracles every day. Thank you all for caring so much.