Saturday, July 5, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

Gosh, I realized that I haven't written in a couple days. Now, I am trying to think back to what has happened. They had to increase Hunter's diuretics. He was having more episodes. He would drop his oxygen levels and required more oxygen. I asked the doctor if she felt like it was a setback. She did not feel like it was a setback, but more like a tune up. As his weight is increasing, he needs higher dosing of medication, including his diuretics.

Speaking of weight, Hunter is up to 4 pounds 11 ounces. What a big boy!
Hunter was doing well with feeding through a bottle. He has been having difficulty the last couple days. As I have to remind myself, two steps forward, one step back. They still try the bottle twice a day. If he drops his heart rate or oxygen levels, then back to the feeding tube it goes.

I am having a hard time with patience right now. Hunter has been in the NICU for 95 days. I have such a hard time leaving him and a hard time being apart from him. Sometimes he is awake when I have to go home. It hurts so bad to walk away. I really have to stay focused. He is here! That is what's important. This is so hard. I always thought that whatever I was faced with I could handle. This situation is different. I have to take it day by day. I, often, have to be reminded that I need to take it day by day. As my due date approaches, I find it getter harder. A part of me expected him home by his due date. I should've known. The entire time the doctors told me not to expect it. His lungs are his trouble. July seemed so far out...It is here before we knew it. The road seems so long.