Friday, July 25, 2008

Discharge Planning

We met with Lourdes, the Discharge Coordinator today. Boy, we never thought that meeting was going to take place. Discharge arrangements have been made. Things seem pretty in order, except for us...scrambling around our house trying to sanitize everything.

Hunter will come home on a monitor. They tried to take his nasal cannula off. Hunter really needs the oxygen. It only took a couple minutes. He will only need to be on the monitor at night. This is a safety measure. He likes to tug on his cannula and pull it out of his nose. We have been learning about oxygen and tube feedings.
Tim practiced on Hunter today. Hunter didn't like him placing the feeding down into his tummy. But, who would. Hunter screamed. For a baby with chronic lung disease, he has a loud cry.

Tomorrow he is having his circumcision. I have to be there early for this