Monday, July 7, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

For starters, our friend Troy had surgery to fix his bowel. His surgery went well. We are praying that infection will not set in and hope to be reunited with the entire family soon.

It was bath night for Hunter. He is weighing in at 4 pounds 13 ounces. He is 17 inches long.

We are still working on the feeding with Hunter. Feeding is a lot of work for these micro preemies. They have to coordinate so much at one time. Their lungs have to work a little harder and baby Hunter's lungs are working just as hard as they can.
The doctors readjusted his diuretics. They continue to increase his dosage. They have to be careful do it over a period of time. It could throw off his electrolytes if they aren't careful. They hope to see more fluid come off his lungs, making it easier for him to breath, which should help him with his feeds. We hope to see an improvement over the next couple of days. His main goals are still feeding. This is a huge hurdle for him. His lungs still need some work. Today he was able to consume 21 cc's of formula at 8 AM without an event. He is eating 40 cc's through his feeding tube. They tried again today at 5PM. He only got 5 CC's, had a hard time, his heart rate kept dropping (aka brady's) and dropping his oxygen levels (aka destats).

Hunter is getting another head ultrasound tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be his last. We will be praying for good test results from that.