Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We are out of the PICU and on a normal care floor. Yay! Hunter is doing great. He is back to his normal awesome self. His voice is a little hoarse from the vent, but that will go away. The vent leaves everyone with a sore throat. I had a sore throat when they had to intubate/extubate me for my surgery.

If you plan on visiting Hunter, he is on the 6th Floor of Mott. He is in Room F6527. If you take Mott's west elevators, it is closer than taking the east. His room is right outside the big family room and nurses station.

We will be here for a minimum of 3-5 more days. They plan on doing a multi channel test to see how severe Hunter's reflux is. They had to take him off the Zantac and wait a couple of days to do this test.

Things are really start to smooth out with Hunter and he is doing so well. He was so swollen before. Now, he looks like my little baby again...acting like him too. :-)

Thanks for the prayers and support.