Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hunter is still doing well in his crib at night. He is right at home. But, we have to turn on a fan and face it away from him for the noise. He got so used to the white noise of hospitals. He needs something to block the silence.

They tried to increase his calories to a 24 calorie diet. That didn't work to well for Hunter. He did not tolerate the 24 calorie and we had to go back down to the 22 calorie. Hunter's little kidneys can't process all the fluid that he should be taking. The goal was to reduce the volume of feeds and increase the calories. Since that didn't work, we have to go to plan B. We are back down to 22 calorie on low volume and working our way up. His weight is staying stable.

Other than that, things are pretty mellow and I like for it to stay that way. Tomorrow is my b-day. I have everything I could ever want. I have a beautiful family and my son is home with me.

Thank you to all that made this dream possible for me. Having Hunter home with me is the best present you could've ever given me. A million thank you's could never justify how grateful I am to all the neonatalogists, doctors, nurses, and RT's that made this possible.

Hunter said his first words today. Haha...I'm not sure about that but it sure did sound like he said Uh-Oh. He was making noises. Tim and me were talking to him. All of a sudden, "UH-OH" comes out. It was so cute.

He was also playing on his gym. He almost completely rolled over. He didn't quite make it, but did a really good job at trying. Go Hunter!

I updated Hunter's photos here. Please take a minute to look at him. He keeps growing