Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

It wasn't long. Hunter had to be admitted into the hospital. This stay is a more severe than the previous stay.

Hunter was having problems with reflux last week. He appeared very uncomfortable. The doctor called him in medicine and I was hoping that would start helping him. Hunter's behavior and work of breathing gradually got worse.

I continued to watch him over the course of two days. Yesterday, I made the decision. We couldn't wait any longer. He was a nasty color in his face and we had to keep cranking up his oxygen to keep his color.

After we got him in the car and drove away, Tim noticed that despite Hunter being on significantly higher oxygen settings, he was still turning blue. We knew that we could not make it to St. Joe's. We pulled into Dundee Fire Department and called 911. Hunter was transported to St. Joe's.

After arriving at St. Joes, he was in worse shape that we could have ever imagined. It was determined that Hunter needed to be in an Intensive Care Unit. They transferred him to U of M.

Once we arrived at U of M, they started there tests, hooked up a vent (sigh), and began working on my little man. He was admitted into the PICU. We have no clear answers why he has taken such a turn for the worse.

In the middle of the night, Hunter started having seizure activity. They brought in the team of neurologist, and have him hooked up to see if it is seizures. I still don't have an answer for this yet either.

Please pray for Hunter.