Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Things keep changing here and with Hunter. They put Hunter on Viagra. I got raised eyebrows on that one. Yes, it is true. Initially, Viagra was/is a medication that treats pulmonary hypertension. It got its reputation because it has some "rewarding" side effects. After the side effects were made known, they started to market Viagra for "pleasure" rather than pulmonary hypertension.

They are treating Hunter for Pulmonary Hypertension. They believe that his blood is shunting through his lungs and causes his destats. As we all know and I have wrote over and over again, Hunter had Chronic Lung Disease (BPD). BPD will get better as he gets bigger and hopefully will his Pulmonary Hypertension.

They started Hunter on two different diuretics. They did this because fluid builds up on the lungs of these micro preemies. Again, it's a BPD thing. The diuretics will keep him breathing easier by removing the fluid from his lungs, even when he comes home. I am looking forward to how the three different medications will help him.

I haven't made it up there yet. When I called, the air in the PICU today is light and suggests that Hunter will be extubated today (off the vent). They have not made rounds yet. He had a good night, has done good with his sprints, and his blood gas was great this morning. Hopefully, it is safe to say that my son is out of "respiratory failure" status and on his way up. I think I heard the doctor say "we are out of the woods". But, I can't be sure. We are still going to be at the hospital for awhile. They want to make sure that when he extubates he is stable. They will have to wean his cannula air pressure down to 1/4 liter, make sure he is stable there, and they have tests and sleep studies they want to do before he comes home.

I have to remind myself that there is no such thing as a crystal ball. Majority of my questions revolve around that damn crystal ball theory. The doctor "predicts" that he will still need to be in the PICU for a couple days. He will then be transferred to the floor and be monitored by a specialist. We have to stay on the floor for a couple weeks. Ugh! Hopefully, we can make it out by 9/26 xxx crossing my fingers xxx

As most of you know, I'm an only child - but to my Sisters (you know who you are), my FRIENDS, and family - THANK YOU. I lay in bed last night thinking about myself and how tired I was (emotionally and physically) and thought shame on me. I feel worn out. What about Hunter? The poor guy has had breathing tubes stuffed down his throat how many times, people poking him, IV's, PICC lines, blood pressure cuffs, constant monitoring with patches he is allergic too, wires and tubes everywhere, different medications, difficulty breathing, awful eye exams, just messed with from head to toe for five months. I thought how unnatural this is. But, He lays there and continues to fight. What a trooper he is. Once again, he amazes me. I don't know how he has done it. I just can't wait for him to get better and stronger. It kills me to see him go through so much.

Thanks for your prayers and support!