Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hunter is still in the PICU at U of M. He may be there for awhile.

Yesterday, his airways clamped shut and it appeared that he had a seizure. We are still waiting on the results from neurology who was monitoring him at the time. Hunter has never had problems with seizures. So, the whole episode was scary as well as his airways clamping shut. When your airways clamp shut, it clamps shut on the ventilator as well. This means that no air can get down him. They had to quickly give him a muscle relaxer and so forth..I had to step out of the room at this point. So, I can't tell you the whole story.

He is not putting out good urine output, his body is swelling, he is on the highest settings that the ventilator has, next step oscillator, and they are having difficulty with his blood pressure...ugh!

At this point, no one knows what is making him this sick. The situation is not good. He is not good. I am devastated, as you can imagine.

Here I go with how I am doing...I am holding up, but that is all I can say I'm doing. I am back to being a robot. Last night, was really hard to leave him. I came home and felt the need to be by him. So, I grabbed my pillow and blanket, the last blanket Hunter was using before he left for the hospital, slept in his nursery, crying myself to sleep.

The last couple days have been extremely rough. They have him completely out and paralyzed. I miss my lil man. I miss him and his cute reactions when he hears my voice. I even miss his cry. This is so hard. I can't even begin to explain.

I have to take my shower so I can head up there.